
The monumental cast of a doorway and its original create a portal linking the V&A Cast Courts to the Basilica of San Petronio in Bologna, Italy. This is achieved by having, on each side, a projection of live video and audio feed of the other end of the portal: what is happening in Bologna would be shown in real time in London and vice versa. The goal is to provide the context that is inevitably missing in the museum, as there is just so much information that a simple label can supply. Seeing the setting of the original artefact, getting a sense of the scale of its building, hearing the sounds that surround it and even communicating with the people in its proximity contributes to a fuller, more authentic experience of that artefact which a simple museum presence could never achieve.


Cast in the V&A, alternating interior and exterior live projection


Original in Bologna, with interior of the Cast Courts’ live projection


The first concept for this project was born in 2019, and since then it has evolved and will continue to evolve in the future. It was featured in different exhibitions at various stages of its development, first in Xcavation at the Crypt Gallery in 2019, at the RCA2021 Show in 2021 and in Beep Beep at the Menier Galley also in 2021.


Pacco da casa

